Securify's security specialists will work closely with the social care platform Stamtafel.
Stamtafel is an ad-free online platform where seniors, people in a vulnerable position, family, carers and care professionals can contact each other online in a safe and simple way.
To continuously and rigorously monitor the security of the platform, the Stamtafel development team is working with Securify Inline - a new managed approach in continuously testing and improving security within (agile) development projects / teams.
Besides the fact that it is just good use, we really see it as our duty to continuously protect the privacy of our users! The collaboration with Securify is an important part of fulfilling this promise and making it demonstrable.
We are growing rapidly and our platform is therefore continuously evolving. That's cool, but you have to keep in mind that in all our enthusiasm this is never at the expense of security!
With Agile Security, we can easily expand our development team with all the expertise and tooling needed to continue building quickly and safely. For example, experts proactively contribute ideas, all our changes are checked immediately and we receive feedback early in the process as soon as something threatens to go wrong. A pleasant feeling, efficient and very educational for our team. But above all necessary in our mission.
Ronald Helder - Founder Stamtafel